Valor 10ml
Valor 10ml
More than a decade ago while still in high school, I found myself captivated by the world of fragrance. I would visit shops just to immerse myself in the scents, and it was during one of those trips that I discovered a fragrance that changed everything, this fragrance was Bvlgari Aqva Pour Homme. The rush of euphoria I felt then, and still feel to this day whenever I smell it, has remained unparalleled.
Inspired by that unforgettable experience, I set out to create a fragrance that embodies the magic of ‘Blue’ scents. This perfume is a tribute to that rush of exhilaration, blending the freshness of citrus, the boldness of aromatics, the depth of woody ambers, with a touch of sweetness to round everything out.
My hope is that this fragrance gives you that same sense of euphoria that I experienced when smelling my favourite ‘Blue’ fragrances.
Apple, Grapefruit, Pink Pepper
Ginger Grass, Juniper Berry, Geranium
Amber, Sandalwood, Tonka Bean, Musk
Eau De Parfum (19%-20%)
Alcohol, Fragrance, BHT
Bergamot Oil, Lemon Oil, Elemi Oil, Egyptian Geranium Oil, Juniper Berry Oil, Clary Sage Oil, May Chang Oil, Olibanol Oil, Pink Pepper Oil, Haitian Vetiver Oil, Ginger Oil, Cedarwood Atlas Oil, Gingergrass Oil, Tonka Bean Absolute
Imagine Bleu and La Nuit De L’Homme but even more intoxicating
A big hit of grapefruit up front and sandlewood in the back!! A very bright scent perfect for summer and any beachside occasion!
I recently purchased Valor, it is amazing! Highly recommend this for anyone wanting to elevate their fragrance game.
This fragrance captures the essence of summer with a crisp, airy scent. The standout note of ginger grass adds a vibrant, aromatic freshness that I personally love.